Bouquet for Life |
Winter's House |
centerpiece in this collage is actually a tulip that I disassembled and then reassembled to
look more like a flame, which I intend to mean essence. For me, that
essence, that thing I need to keep burning, is my creativity.
Natural Urges |
This collage portrays summer and sensuality. I was primarily looking for patterns and colors of the natural world when life is warm and easy.
Lotus Opening |
I titled this collage "Lotus Opening" without knowing that the opening of a lotus represents spiritual awakening. I Googled "lotus opening" and found this out. There is something always working behind the scenes of art, and it's when you become aware and curious that you see what it is.
I suppose if I am living my life correctly, I am always in the throes of a spiritual awakening.
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